Sunday, November 15, 2015

Accident Procedure in Saudi Arabia

Being expat we face so many issues if caught in a road accident because most of expats don't know the the rules , procedures and most challenging thing is language issue. In this article we will try to explain what to do if you face any road accident.

The most point you need to note is NAJM (Contact#920000560) is the organization in KSA who handling accident cases with below reasons

- Your vehicle had an accident while no one was driving it.
- Your vehicle was damaged by a stone during driving.
- Your vehicle was damaged by a stone while no one was driving it.
- Your vehicle had an accident on the highway, but you couldn’t stop and drove your damaged car to your home.

If your accident case is other than the above reasons, then you must call the Traffic Police

Accident Reporting Procedures

In case you get in a traffic accident, please always….
- Make sure of your safety and anyone with you.
- Take great care when getting out of your vehicle.
Thus, it is essential to follow the following steps:
  • Notifying the traffic police if you don’t have a valid insurance policy in time of accident or in case that there are injuries or dead persons or fires.
  • Notifying the company if you do have a valid insurance policy in time of accident on our toll free customer service center no. 920000560.
Make sure you have following documents before call to NAJM:

Driving License
Istamara of the Car (The car should be at your name or you should be authorized to drive it)
Car Insurance

  • Provide the basic information where possible (name of informer_ I.D / Iqama no._ mobile no. _ no. of car's plate_ the type of the car_ insurance policy no._ insurance company name_ city_ accident location_ any distinguished or outstanding signs of the accident).
  • Inform if the cars involved in the accident can be moved or not.
  • Be sure to note the number of the case and date of the accident (given by the recipient of the call center) to facilitate the procedure of following up you case with insurance company in the future.
  • NAJM will provide you the accident report, before signing the report you can ask NAJM about who's fault

Post-Accident procedures


  •  Visit the Vehicle assessment office, you can visit this location (24.789988,46.679553) or (24.634033,46.74442)
  • If you don't know arabic, you can bring some of your friend with you who knows arabic
  • Try to reach there in early morning , so you can done every thing very quickly
  • They will take 30SAR from you and then they give you three papers. Two papers for repairing labor cost and one paper for the spare parts.
  • Take the accessories paper and visit nearest shop, take help of the estimate to locate the shop it will be near to you
  • Go to the shop and then  he will take 30SAR and stamp you with the estimated cost of spare parts
  • Come back to same station again, they will now finalize the assessment. Now you will have three papers, visit the office inside and they will stamp the final papers.
  • Take those papers to you insurance company with Istamara,Iqama,Driving License
  • Claim for insurance , there are two options for claim ( by cheque, by bank transfer)
  • You will receive your claim accordingly to the selected service



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