Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How to create Absher account or MOI Account

For accessing the various benefits from Ministry of Interior, Every individual should register for MOI services account which is also called Abshir Service from MOI Saudi Arabia. By registering this service, you will get many benefits

Benefits to register in Absher or MOI

New expected services of Absher are

  • Print the Final Exit paper
  • Transfer of Iqama
 Steps to Register in Absher

We will follow the English version so every one can get benefits

  • Open the website ( 
  • Change the language from Arabic to English

  •  Click on "New User"

  • Fill the form
  • Your will receive SMS  , on you Mobile number, enter the PIN Code you received

  •  Select the User Name and Password then Click OK
  • On Next screens , they will show you you account summary and details to activate the account
  • Your Account is created now you need to activate the account
  • Print the paper, if you planning to activate the account by visiting the Jawazat office

How to Activate the Absher Account

You can activate the absher account by three ways
  • Activate the account by using KIOSK ( machines available in STC offices, Super markets like Panda)
  • Activate the account using Internet Banking
  • Activate the account by visiting the Jawazat Office

 Activate the account by using KIOSK 

 KIOSK means , MOI put machines on many super markets like Panda and in STC branches.  Just follow the below procedure
  • Visit any nearest KIOSK branch
  • Machine will show you all instructions, just follow the instructions very carefully
  • Enter your Iqama ID 
  • Provide your finger print as asked by machine, it will show you the fingure which one you need to put
  • Some times , system does not recognize the finger, so don't be panic simply clean your finger and then try to put again 
  • You will receive SMS on your mobile 
  • Provide the PIN Code and activate the account
  • Your account will be activated and system will show you confirmation
Congratulations ! your account is activated now, you can login to Absher and can use the Absher services

Activate the account using Internet Banking

Many banks are providing the facility to activate the account through the internet banking ( NCB, Ahlli, Riyadh Bank, Samba Bank) 

  • Login to your internet bank account
  • Find the Absher Services in your account 
  • Every bank have their own instructions
  • Follow the instructions , your account will be activated
 Activate the Absher account by visiting Jawazat Office
  • Take the print , on last screen while creating the account
  • visit any nearest Jawazat of passport office
  • Show them the paper and your ID
  • They will Activate your Absher account


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