Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to check iqama huroob status

Hurooob status means if your company or Kafeel reports against you that you are no more working under them. Then your iqama status becomes as Huroob.

Note: This process is not valid for domestic workers. For domestic workers, they have to visit jawazat (passport office).

Go to mol web site :

Enter the details as mentioned on below screen

If the sceeen shows like below, its means you iqama stauts is ok and no issue

If status becomes like below, means you are under haroob.

Kindly note, these methods are only indicative. To be 100% sure, you need to get computer print out from Passport office (jawazat).

You can also check the Status from Absher website 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing blog post and desgin, keep up the good work, I love this guide. Check Huroob Status Online
