Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What to do if you face any medical emergency in saudi arabia

May ALLAH protect all of us from any type of issues. But as human beings all of us suffered from many type of issues daily.
The most importan issue for expatriates in KSA is medical treatment specially if some one have no insurance or any other missing document like iqama expired haroob etc...
Procesure for medical emergency
Note:! Don't be panic
1- Always remember you exact location where you living and some famous places near to you.
2- Call to ambulance (997), operator knows baisic english if you dont know Arabic.
3- Tell them your exact location as much as you can so they can reach you quickly
4- Once they reach you they will do every thing for you, you dont need to worry
This service is for every one so use this facility, because if you dont have insurance your emergency treatment will be free if you use embulance service.


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