Friday, November 20, 2015

How to check the family visa or visit visa onine status is stamped from Saudi Embassy or not - Step by step guide

You can easily check the visa status if the visa is stamped or not. Follow the below steps

Go to the website (

Change the language from Arabic to English

If you get below error , it means your documents are not submitted to embassy yet
حدث خطأ يرجى التأكد من البيانات المدخلة والمحاولة مرة أخرى
If your visa is submitted to Embassy by your agent, it will show the status  الطلب تحت الاجرا means Request Under Working and your visa will be stamped within 2-3 working days

If you see this status "Visa has been issued, No.xxxxxxx"
Congratulations! It means your visa is stamped and you will now receive your passport very soon


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