Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to apply or get Exit Re-Entry visa for family dependents online

Why we Issue Exit Re - Entry

Exit re - entry visa issued issued to travel outside the kingdom. When ever your family will travel out side the kingdom they need exit - re entry visa


If you issued exit re entry visa and  your family did not travel   , there is penalty of 1000SAR. So in case if you are not traveling , always cancel the exit re entry visa

1) Pay the 200SAR fee for Single Exit Re Entry and 500SAR for Multiple Exit Re Entry through any bank

2) Go to MOI web site (

3) Click on E Services > Dependent Services

4) Click on "Issue Visa"

5) Click on OK

6) Enter the details ( single, multiple, duration )

7) Click on Issue Visa, and your family exit re entry visa will be issued. Print the paper


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