Thursday, November 19, 2015

List of saudi universities that offers scholarship to expats

 Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides university scholarships for Non-Saudis to study at Saudi universities. Beneficiaries of government funded scholarships are :

- Non-Saudi students who hold valid residency permits
- Non-Saudi students outside the Kingdom

The scholarship to study in Saudi universities fall into three categories of different features :

- Full scholarships , where student gets all the benefits
- Partial scholarships, where student gets some of the benefits.  These include scholarships where the academic institution provides the seat only or a seat and dormitory placement.
- Paid scholarships.  These are scholarships paid by a donor and not by the academic institution.

All above mentioned scholarships are governed by the rules of academic institutions' board provided that such rules do not contradict higher education bylaws and regulations applied. ​

As an expat, you should be aware that not all courses are conducted in English, so fluency or near fluency in Arabic is a prerequisite for attending some of the university courses in Saudi Arabia. Undergraduate degrees at Saudi universities take anything up to six years to complete, depending on the subject chosen, and are available in a wide a range of subjects.

Below are few universities that providing free scholarship to expats students

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