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Friday, December 4, 2015

How to check Exit Re- entry Visa status

While working in Saudi Arabia, when ever you need to travel from Saudi Arabia to any country you have to apply for exit rentry visa . Please note that you must come back to saudi arabia before exit re - entry visa expiry date.

You can easily check your exit re-entry visa status by following below steps

1) Visit the web site https://www.eserve.com.sa/VVSWeb/

2) Change the language from Arabic to English


3) You can check by providing multiple options, here we will show you by Your Iqama and your name on Iqama. Enter Iqama Number and your name mentioned on Iqama and click on Check button

 See the below screen to check the visa details

Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to check the sponsorship transfer status - Procedure to check Iqama transfer status Online

In  Saudi Arabia when ever you switch a job if you Iqama is transferable , your new company or Kafeel will always needs transfer from the current company or Kafeel. Expats are more concerned about the sponsorship status when they applied for transfer. Current trend of giving electronic access to the general population of Saudi Arabia has made it very easy to check the status of change of sponsorship in Saudi Arabia.

In below steps we will guide you how to check the sponsor transfer status.

How Check the Sponsorship Transfer Status

MOL website is in Arabic, so its recommended to use Chrome browser so you can translate arabic to english

Click on the drop down as mentioned below and click on the last option 

Enter the Iqama Number as per below instructions

If Iqama is successfully Transferred

If you got status like below, it means your Iqama is successfully transferred to new company or Kafeel

Your Iqama is not transferred to new Kafeel or Company

If you get below message , its means your Iqama is not transferred yet

followup with you previous and current employer , there might be issue on both side.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Visitng Places in Riyadh : Riyadh Bowling Club for Gents

While living in Saudi Arabia, peoples think about limited activities in KSA but there are many healthy activities in KSA , issue is only to reach that point. Once of the healthy place is Riyadh Bowling center


Visiting Place in Riyadh: Lake in center of desert "Kharrarah lake near muzahmiya"

While living in Riyadh , we feel there are only deserts in Riyadh, but you can also enjoy lake view in Riyadh which is in the center of Riyadh desert.

  • If you have Four Wheel Vehicle, its recommended to visit on 4*4 Vehicle
  • You can also visit on Sedan car but be careful while driving as its in desert


Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to obtain police clearance certificate - Procedure to get police clearance certificate in Saudi Arabia

You will need police clearance certificate in Saudi Arabia for many reasons. For example

  • If you want to apply for immigration to any country you will need police clearance certificate from Saudi Arabia
  • If you are going on Final exit , you must take the certificate because when ever you will apply to any other country they will required the police clearance certificates from all countries where you lived like Saudi Arabia 

You can get the police clearance certificate easily by following below steps

Procedure of getting police clearance certificate is different if you are in Saudi Arabia applying yourself or when you are out of Saudi Arabia and final exit visa has been processed. In this article, I will explain step by step procedure of getting police clearance certificate from the police department during your stay in Saudi Arabia.


  • You need to apply for a letter of endorsement to your embassy. Standard form of application for letter of endorsement is is available in embassies of all the countries. You will have to fill the application form, pay the fee, attach copies of your Iqama and submit it your embassy. 

  • After receiving the letter of endorsement from your embassy, you will have to visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the copy of your passport and Iqama. You will receive a form there which have to filled and submit back to the MOFA along with letter of endorsement of copy of your documents. Here you need to pay fee of SR 100/-. There is no need to translate the letter of endorsement issued to you by your Embassy in Arabic. MOFA will attest it without translation.

  • Once letter is attested from MOFA create a file with all these documents and go to nearest police Station ( Shurta Center). If you can bring your Company PRO it would be better for you.

  • Police officer will tell you about the expected date of getting the police clearance certificate. It is better to go at least 3 days after the expected date mentioned by the police officer to collect the certificate. Each and every applicant applying for PCC needs to visit Police Station.

Police Stations( Shurta Center) you will visit

If you living in Jeddah
  • Police Station right behind ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK. The branch for making PCC's is located in this police center.

If you are in Riyadh,
  • You need to visit Police Office Deera near court.

If you are living in Dammam, 
  • You need to visit Police Station located diagonally opposite to the Governor House in Dammam
Once you received the letter, you can also translate it to Arabic from registered translators.

Procedure of resign under labor law in Saudi Arabia - Notice period under Saudi Labor Law

While working in KSA , there are are two type of contract between employee and employer under the Saudi Labor Law

  • Fixed Term contract
  • Indefinite Contract

Fixed Term Contract

If employer want to terminate the contract, then employer must have to pay the remaining months salary to the employee . Same applies to the employee

Indefinite Contract

  • Any part either employer or employee can terminate the contract with one month minimum notice period , except any exception case if mentioned in the contract.
  • If employer terminate the employee without notice period , employer must pay the salary equal to notice period duration that is one month salary
  • If employee is receiving remuneration on piecemeal basis, his average pay received in last three months will be considered for the payment.
  • If employee is on probation ,employer can terminate the employee without any notice period except any exception case mentioned in the contract
  • If employee want to terminate the contract , he/she must give minimum one month notice period else have to leave one month salary 
  • Employee can terminate the contract with their employer without any notice period if
    • The employer commits a fraud at the time of contracting with the employee with reference to the work condition and circumstances. Let’s say he has signed a contract with you to pay SR 15,000/- per month for a managerial post. Later on, he denies either monthly package or managerial task; you have every right to terminate the contract without any notice period. However, it is very important to mention here that once you have started working under the changed circumstances, it will be treated as you have accepted the terms. You would not be able to challenge your employer in front of court in those cases.
    • If employer or any representative of the employer, blackmails the employee with reference to his family living in Saudi Arabia, employee has every right to terminate the contract without any notice period.
    • If there is some serious hazard in the workplace threatening to the safety or health of the employee, you have every right to terminate the contract without any notice period. However, there is one condition that employer must be aware of it and did not take any action to remove this hazard within reasonable time.
    • If the treatment by the employer is characterized by cruelty, injustice or insult

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Procedure to apply parents(Father/Mother) permanent visa for Pakistan - Step by step guide to bring parents on permanent visa

While living in Saudi Arabia, the most important issue for expats is to bring their families in Saudi Arabia. Now its not a big deal to bring your family including your parents to Saudi Arabia. By following our step by step guide you can easily bring your family here

 Procedure to bring parents on permanent visa 

1) Your profession is eligible to bring family in KSA. Read Eligible professionals for family visit or permanent visa in saudi arabia

2) You need following documents 

  1. Your parents age is above 60
  2.  Evidence document in Arabic that saying your parents are dependent on you attested from Pakistan Embassy
  3. Introduction letter from your employer including your Salary details and No Objection to bring your parents , attested by your employer and Chamber of commence
  4. Nadra family registration certificate (From Nadra office Pakistan)
  5. Affidavit attested from foreign office
  6.  Prenent Passport Copy
  7.  You and your wife/spouse Iqama  plus copy
  8.  Your Passport Copy
  9.  Your Visa copy on passport
  10.  Death certificate attested from Saudi Embassy if any not alive from your parents .

3) Now create a file with all these documents and visit the Ministry of Interior Office Murooj District Riyadh : Location

6763 Ismaeel Bin Al Ola Street Al Morooj
Riyadh 12281-2550
Saudi Arabia 

4) Once  your reached to MOI office, wait for your turn, On your turn show them all documents. Its advisable to bring some one who knows Arabic.


5) Once your request is submitted, you will receive SMS from MOI


6) You will receive another SMS in 5-7 working days with your request status



7) If your request is approved/accepted go to the same office and they will give you one letter for Istiqdam


8) Book appointment with istiqdam without appointment istiqdam will not serve you. You must reach to Istiqdam only on appointment date and time, Click here to book appointment (How to Book Appointmet with Istiqdam in Saudi Arabia)

9)Pay the family visa fee (2000 SAR) online by using any bank using internet banking or ATM:(How to pay the Family Visa fee through bank - SADAD Payments)

10) Visit the Istiqdam office 


11) Show them all documents, and once every thing is ok they will give you yellow slip that is your visa.


Monday, November 23, 2015

List of professions reserved for Saudi Nationals

While coming to KSA on work visa, always read your contract very carefully specially see the profession provided by your employer because your profession is very important. Many benefits are based on your profession like

  1. Travelling to Gulf countries
  2. Visit visa for family
  3. Family permanent visa
Other than these benefits very important point is , if your profession is in the list of reserved professions for Saudi Nationals, any time you can be terminated from the job once any Saudi National is available for that job

Following professions are reserved for only Saudis in Saudi Arabia;

  1. Cashier
  2. Chief administrator of human resources at government and private sector companies
  3. Complaint Clerk or Claims Clerk
  4. Custom Broker or Custom Clearance Employee
  5. Director of personnel relations
  6. Director of labor affairs
  7. Duty Clerk or Attendance Control Clerk
  8. Employment clerk
  9. Executive HR Manager
  10. Female Sales Specialist for Ladies Shop
  11. Head of Personnel Department
  12. HR Manager
  13. Key Specialist
  14. Labor Affairs Manager
  15. Receptionist (general)
  16. Receptionist (hospitals)
  17. Receptionist (hotel)
  18. Recruitment Clerk or Employment Clerk
  19. Representative or Broker
  20. Security Guard
  21. Staff Affairs Clerk or Personal Affairs Clerk
  22. Staff Relations Manager
  23. Staff Relations Specialist
  24. Individual Affairs Clerk
  25. Time-keeper
  26. Typist

Procedure to cancel the final exit

Accordingly to MOL laws , your final exit can be cancelled withing the given time period. You employer can request to cancel the final exit.

You need to follow below steps to cancel the final exit


  • First of all you need to fill the form to cancel the final exit visa. Copy of form can be obtained from the agents sitting in front of Jawazat office.
  • This form needs to be signed and stamped by the Kafeel /Employer who processed your Final Exit Visa.
  • Your employer will have to write a letter requesting Jawazat to cancel the final exit visa. All your relevant details should be mentioned in that letter. This letter needs to be attested by the Chamber of Commerce of the city from where your employer is registered. 
  • If expiry date of your Iqama has been passed, you need to pay fee for the renewal of Iqama as well.
  • Attach two photographs with white background
  • Attach copy of the final exit visa
  • Attach copy of the Iqama
  • Attach copy of the Passport


Final Exit Procedure / Process

What is Final Exit

Final exit means when you leaving Saudi Arabia permanently. Either you resigned from your employer or your employ terminate the contract with you or if you violate any law here , govt can send you on final exit. 

Procedure for Final Exit

Follow the below steps while you going on final exit

Resign and Notice Period

If you are terminating the contract or resigning , always put one month notice period to your employer to get EOS benefits and to avoid any issues

Notice period to house owner

Give notice period to your house owner, sale your house hold items and clear your all house related issues

Disconnect Landline and Other Post Paid SIM Cards

Disconnect your landline and post paid sim cards, if you defaulter of any connection you will face issues on airport. 

Traffic Fines

f you have any traffic fines or tickets under your name, try to clear them as soon as possible. Pay your traffic fines before leaving , else you will face issue at airport

Sale and transfer your Car Ownership

You must sale your car and confirm your car is transferred to new owner. Other wise you will not able to exit from Saudi Arabia airport

Pay off Electricity Bill

 Pay all electricity bills , electricity bills have no impact on your final exit but ethically you should pay the bills

Surrender Your Credit Cards

Payable amount at your credit card can stop your departure from the airport. It is very important that you pay off all the bills on the credit card and deactivate them. Before leaving make sure that your all credit cards are de activated because some times banks shows you card are de activated but in actual they are not de activated 

Withdraw you money from bank

Withdraw your money from the bank , because after that your account will be frozen

Send extra money to your home country account

before leaving , you must send extra money to your home country because you can not carry more that 10,000$ with you

End of Service Benefits

End of Service Benefits will be given to you after processing the final exit visa from Saudi Arabia. It is better to think before remitting your End of Service Benefits to your native country.

Get the Police clearance certificate

Its advisable before leaving the kingdom , must get your police clearance certificate  becuase you will need this in future while you travelling to any country.

Now , once you did every thing, ask your employer to give you final exit paper. Clear your every thing with your employer before issuing final exit paper. 

Once you received the final exit paper, you have limited time mentioned on your final exit paper to leave KSA. You must leave the Kingdom before that date other wise you will face so many issues. 

Once you reach to airport, you will surrender your Iqama at airport and they will stamp the final exit stamp on your passport. 

Keep the final exit paper on safe place , because next time if you will come to KSA your agent will ask for this paper.

Rights of employees accordingly to labor laws - Know your rights under labor law of Saudi Arabia

Most the employees don't know about their rights which govt has provided them. Most of employees specially expats employee even feel scared to talk about their rights. Every one must know the rights that MOL have provided to the employees.

Simply You can only claim your right if you know about it. We have mentioned below all employee rights that every one must know.

Employment or Recruitment Expenses

Accordingly to MOL , all recruitment expenses should be beard by your employee un till unless its mentioned on your contract that you will bear the cost and you accepted the contract.
  • Visa expense
  • Travel Expense 

Iqama Expense

Its your right that your employer provides you Iqama on your arrival to KSA withing 90 days starting from the arrival date. Employer will bear all the expenses related to this (According to Article 40.1 of Saudi Labor Law). If your sponsor does not provide you Iqama within three months of your arrival to Saudi Arabia, you can search another job and transfer your sponsorship without permission of employer.

 Passport Right

Accordingly to MOI Its your right to keep passport with you. MOL have announced a heavy plenty on employer if they hold your passport

End or Service Benefits

Accordingly to MOI your employer have to pay you EOS benefits on your final exit , if you completed service for two years except any exceptions mentioned in your contract

Contract Copy

Accordingly to MOI its your right to have a contract copy with you signed by your employer and you . Its MOL rule that contract will be in Arabic you can request for English copy too

Working Hours and over time

Accordingly to labor law you can work maximum 48 hours in a week, if you employer ask to work more than that hours , you are eligible to get over time benefits(1.5 times of normal time wages) Except any exception case if any thing mentioned in your contract.

Entitled leaves

You are entitled the leaves accordingly to the MOL, except the exception if its mentioned in your contract. Read our article to know the leaves policy by mol

Termination / Resignation 

An employee needs to give proper notice to his employer if he wants to leave the organization and same goes with the employer. 

Death or Disability at work site

If an employee dies or gets permanent partial or full disability on the work site, he is entitled to compensation for Work Injury under Saudi Labor Law  from sponsor 

Relocation Of employee by employer

As per the changes in Saudi Labor Law approved by Ministry of Labor, an employer cannot transfer an employee to another location without written permission of the employee.

Payment Schedule

An employer cannot change the payment schedule (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly) of the employee without having written consent of the employee.

Additional Work

As per Article 38 of the Saudi Labor Law, an employer cannot assign the work to an employee in addition to what has been agreed upon between them. In case of emergency, even if he has to assign it, it will not be more than 30 days in a year.

Procedure to check the traffic voilations under your Iqama from absher

Always pay the traffic voilations within one month of voilation other wise you will face many issues. Below are few examples

  1. You cannot transfer the car
  2. You can not get final exit visa
  3. Plenty of not paying fine on time

Some times when you violate some traffic rule, no SMS is is received due to some technical issues. So always check if if you have any traffic violations

Steps to check Health Insurance Status

Go to http://moi.gov.sa/

Change the language from Arabic to English

Click on Electronic Inquires > Public Query Traffic Violations

Enter Iqama Id, Image code and click on view button. It will show you the violations if you have.

How to check your vehicle insurance status - Procedure to check the expiry of Vehicle insurance

While living in KSA, vehicle insurance is compulsory for all vehicles. If you don't have insurance or your insurance is expired and you caught up in an accident there will be heavy penalty and might be prison if you can't afford the accident expense.

Always check your vehicle insurance its expired or not. You can easily check the vehicle insurane by following below easy steps

Steps to check Vehicle Insurance Status

Go to http://moi.gov.sa/

Change the language from Arabic to English

Click on Electronic Inquires > Public vehicle insurance validity

Enter Iqama Number, Plate Number , Image code and click on view button. It will show you the status of your vehicle.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology MS and PhD Scholarships 2016 for National / International Students

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology MS and PhD Scholarships 2016 for National / International Students

Applications are invited for KAUST Fellowship for enrolling in PhD and MS/PhD program for Fall 2016

Subjects offered
Fellowship is awarded in all subjects offered at KAUST.

Field of study
MS program.
PhD program

Number of Scholarships offered
Many number of scholarships offered

Duration of Degree
Standard duration for MS and PHD program

Scholarship Description
KAUST aspires to be a destination for scientific and technological education and research. By inspiring discoveries to address global challenges, we strive to serve as a beacon of knowledge that bridges people and cultures for the betterment of humanity. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is offering PhD and MS/PhD Fellowship for fall 2016.

Scholarship Benefits
Full tuition support
Monthly living allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annual, depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs)
Medical and dental coverage
Relocation support

Eligibility Criteria

MS Eligibility Criteria
KAUST requires a minimum TOEFL score of 79 on the IBT (Internet Based Test) or 6.0 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The KAUST admissions code is 4107. Only official TOEFL or IELTS scores will be accepted. TOEFL or IELTS scores for tests administered by an educational institution for admission to that particular institution are not acceptable.
A TOEFL or IELTS score is not required if the applicant received a degree from an accredited institution in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
KAUST does not require the GRE exam for admission. However, we strongly encourage students to take the GRE general test. A high quantitative score on the GRE will enhance a student's application. Official test results should be sent directly from ETS. The KAUST admissions code is 4139. The average GRE quantitative score for admitted students is currently 774 out of 800.

PHD Eligibility Criteria
Ph.D. program requires the successful completion of at least 96 credit hours, (inclusive of previous Master’s Degree coursework). Qualification and advancement to candidacy are contingent upon
Successfully passing Ph.D. coursework
Designating a research advisor
Successfully passing a qualifying exam
Writing and orally defending a research proposal. Possible outcomes include pass, failure with complete retake, failures with partial retake, and failure with no retake. Students not permitted to retake the exam, or who fail the retake, will be dismissed from the University. The maximum allotted time for advancement to candidacy for a student entering with a M.S. degree is two years; three years for students entering with a B.S.

How to Apply/Documents Required/Application Form Download
Applications should be submitted online.
Click on the link to apply now Online Application
Attach all documents like university Transcript/ Mark sheets/ Graduation Certificate/ Academic and other necessary documents
A scan of the official transcript provided by the university in the native language must be uploaded into the online application along with the certified English translation.
Your transcript must include the university grading scale for all documents submitted. If offered admission, an official final transcript must be sent to the Office of Admissions prior to arrival (during the on boarding process) in a sealed envelope via post.

Last Date to Apply/Application Deadline
1st January 2016.

Contact us
Mailing Address
Graduate Affairs
Engineering Building (Building 9), Suite 4328
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Official Site
For more information’s and details visit university official website Official Site

Health insurance will be compulsory for visit visa holders starting from next month

The Cooperative Health Insurance Council will begin implementing compulsory health insurance on expatriate visitors from next month.

However, Haj and Umrah pilgrims, diplomats and visitors to foreign missions and international organizations for the purpose of diplomatic work as well as guests of the State are exempt from compulsory health insurance.

The Cooperative Health Insurance Council has licensed seven cooperative health insurance companies to carry out electronic sale of policies and implement health insurance on visiting expatriates.

Cooperative health insurance will include all applicants for entry visas to the Kingdom for the purpose of visit or transit as well as dependents of expats.

The Cooperative Health Insurance Council had approved medical insurance policy for visitors and their dependents with a maximum premium of SR100,000 covering emergency cases.

The expenses will cover all medical check-ups, diagnosis, treatment, medicines, hospitalization expenses, pregnancy and delivery cases, dental and gum diseases, dental filling, root canal, extraction of pus, emergency renal dialysis cases, medical evacuation within the Kingdom and abroad, and injuries due to traffic accidents. The expenses also cover preparation and repatriation of the insured visitor’s body to his or her home country.

Procedure to check Iqama is expired or not - Check Iqama expiry online

While living in KSA Iqama is every thing for you , without Iqama you can't even go out side from your home. Always take care if of your Iqama , if its expired or not. If your Iqama is expired you can face many issues like

  1. You cannot travel outsite or inside  kingdom
  2. You can not use your bank account
  3. You cannot purchase any thing where your Iqama is used as reference
  4. You cant sale or buy car

Steps to check if Iqama is expired or not 

Go to http://moi.gov.sa/

Change the language from Arabic to English

Click on Electronic Inquires > Query Iqama Expiry Service

Enter your Iqama ID, Image code and click view

Procedure to check the health insurance online

Its very important to have health insurance of you and your family while living in KSA because medical is very expensive in KSA. Always take care of the health insurance expiry so that you can avoid any issues.

Below are the steps by following them you can easily check, either your health insurance is valid or expired

Steps to check Health Insurance Status

Go to http://moi.gov.sa/

Change the language from Arabic to English

Click on Electronic Inquires > Insurance Validity

Enter your Iqama, Image Code and click on View button. It will show you either your insurance is valid or invalid

Procedure to check if you are eligible for HAJJ in Saudi Arabia online

While living in Saudi Arabia its wish of every one to perform Hajj. If you are living in Saudi Arabia and want to perform Hajj , its always adisable to perform legally. There is proper mechanism to get permission/ Tasreeh to perform Hajj.

Rules for Hajj eligibility

  • You Can perform one time hajj withing 05 years ogh living in kingdom
  • If first time you performed Hajj alone then you have chance to perform hajj next year with your family

Steps to Check your eligibility from Absher

By following below steps you can easily check if you are eligible for hajj or not

Go to http://moi.gov.sa/

Change the language from Arabic to English

Click on Electronic Queries > Public Query Hajj Eligibility

Enter Iqama and image code and click on View. System will show if your are eligible for Hajj or not

Visiting places in Riyadh: Red Sand Desert Riyadh

Red sand desert is best place families and singles to spent a good time there. You can do many activities there


Pre Cautions

Care of your kids
Try to come back home on sun set

Visiting Places in Madinah : Red stone in Ul Ula area

The Al-`Ula city (also Al Ola, Arabic العلا al-ʿulā; Also Dedan), some 110 km southwest of Tayma (380 km north of Medina) in northwestern Saudi Arabia was located on the Incense route.

It was the capital of the ancient Lihyanites (Dedanites). It is well known for archaeological remnants, some over 2000 years old.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to check your driving license is original

Its very easy to check your driving license is original or not.

Points to verify

  1. If you paid the license fee by you, on MOI website it will show the funds under your iqama
  2. Once your license is issued, on MOI amount will be deducted. Visit the link How to check available funds under your Iqama
  3. Your will receive SMS from traffic police that your license is issued.
  4. Picture on your Iqama and driving license should be same
  5. Try to take new driving license of any of your friend and check different water marks of driving license authorities. Trace them in the driving license handed over to you.
  6. Go to MOI website, on dashboard, it will show you license under your iqama.

How to apply for driving License in Saudi Arabia - Step by Step guide to get driving License

Its very necessary to have driving license of KSA before you drive, by following below steps you can easily get your driving

Required Documents for License

  • If you have your country License translated to Arabic from registered translator
  • Get your Blood group and eye test report from any dispensary in Saudi Arabia.
  • Your Iqama (Resident permit) copy
  •  Your Passport copy (both front and back sheets).
  •  Your four Passport size photo(white background).
  •  Introduction Letter from your company COC attested, some time they asked for this.
  •  Minimum age to get Saudi Driving License is 18 Years and only men can apply for it.
  • Deposit SR 80, if you want to apply for 2 years, 200 for 5 years and 400 for 10 years. You can pay this amount through SADAD payment from your internet, phone or ATM Banking. Take a print out of this deposited fee.
  • Go to Dallah Driving School before 7 AM along with all the documents mentioned above.
  • You can easily find so many peoples there who can prepare your file with 10SAR cost
  • Now go to Room number 2 in the license office. The person on extreme left will do Eye-sight test. The person on extreme right counter will check your forms, stamp and send you to "License Check" counter. Here one more person will put a stamp on your application and send you for "first try". This trial place is behind the building where you are standing.
  • There will be a car or more and person will be sitting inside. He will ask you to drive the car a little ahead and then reverse a little. Don't worry it is just to see whether you have ever touched the car or not. The person inside will make his comments on your application.
  • Now come back to room # 2 and deposit SR 100. He will take your file and ask you to attend a 3 hour class. There will be a three hour class in which you will be taught the basics and after that there will be a computer test. Attend the class very carefully and also read all the things written on front and backside of the chart they give you during the class.
  • The questions will be mainly Identification of different signals and general driving rules. Signals & Traffic Rules can be viewed from Riyadh Traffic Site
  • The questions that are going to be asked for the touch screen computer test, will be mentioned during the class by the training instructor. After class they will take you to a room where you will wait for the test to start.
  • There would be 20 questions and you have to answer them in 30 minutes. If you make any mistake in the first ten questions, then you are failed. In next 10 questions you have to give only five correct answers.
  • If you clear the computer test then they will test your driving. Congratulations, if you clear the test. By the way, it is very easy test. You just have to drive the car for some meters or you might have to do some simple reverse etc. Cars are of model "Cadillac Custom/Camry 2006". Cars are with gears; not automatic.
  • Go to room number 1 (main room) and just on your left there is a place where "License Delivery" is written. Get your counter number from here and the go to the counter. Now wait until they deliver you the New Driving License.

Highly Recommended Tips to take care in your driving test

  • Drive slowly unless the instructor asks you to drive fast.
  • Take care of 4 things before start driving. Seat belt, Hand brake, Back view mirror, seat adjustment with Accelerator.
  • Spend at least 2 - 3 hours in reading the chart of signs and questions.
  • If you apply in Ramadan, you need to go there between 9am and 2pm.

How to issue or get final exit visa for your family dependents

What is Final Exit Visa

When you want to send your family permanently to your country, you must issue final exit visa for your family. Always be careful while issuing final exit.

1) Go to MOI web site (https://www.moi.gov.sa/)

2) Click on E Services > Dependent Services

4) Click on "Issue Final Visa"

5) Click on OK

6) Click on Issue Final Visa

7) Print the paper 

8)Handover your family insurance card to your company

9) Take the final exit paper and iqama to Airport

10 ) At airport, they will take the Iqama and will stamp final exit on your passport.

11) Keep the paper to a safe place

How to apply or get Exit Re-Entry visa for family dependents online

Why we Issue Exit Re - Entry

Exit re - entry visa issued issued to travel outside the kingdom. When ever your family will travel out side the kingdom they need exit - re entry visa


If you issued exit re entry visa and  your family did not travel   , there is penalty of 1000SAR. So in case if you are not traveling , always cancel the exit re entry visa

1) Pay the 200SAR fee for Single Exit Re Entry and 500SAR for Multiple Exit Re Entry through any bank

2) Go to MOI web site (https://www.moi.gov.sa/)

3) Click on E Services > Dependent Services

4) Click on "Issue Visa"

5) Click on OK

6) Enter the details ( single, multiple, duration )

7) Click on Issue Visa, and your family exit re entry visa will be issued. Print the paper

How to check available funds under your Iqama

Hurooob status means if your company or Kafeel reports against you that you are no more working under them. Then your iqama status becomes as Huroob.

You can check the status be another way, Click here : How to check iqama huroob status

1- Go to Absher website ( https://www.moi.gov.sa)

2) Click on Electronic Inquiries > MOI Dewan > Public Query Funds Available

3) Enter your Iqama and Image Code , then click on view button

Here you can find all details of funds under your iqama like family visa fee, Iqama renewal fee, Driving Lenience Fee

How to check Iqama haroob status through MOI/Absher account

Hurooob status means if your company or Kafeel reports against you that you are no more working under them. Then your iqama status becomes as Huroob.

You can check the status be another way, Click here : How to check iqama huroob status

1- Go to Absher website ( https://www.moi.gov.sa)

2) Click on Electronic Inquiries > MOI Dewan > Public Query Funds Available

3) Enter your Iqama and Image Code , then click on view button

If absher shoes message like this, its means your iqama is under huroob

If it shows the funds screen , it means no huroob status on your iqama